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What time does your post arrive?

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tiggerblue10 | 12:00 Fri 27th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I'm at home today and I was supposed to leave to go somewhere at 11! Needless to say that I'm still here waiting for a package that was apparently posted to me on Monday. As it hasn't yet arrived I would like to speak with the postperson to see if he remembers delivering it. H most probably wont remember but I thought I'd give it a go.

I am actually fed up with having to wait till midday for my post. On one occasion a package was left in my recycling bin and if I hadn't gone to put something in it I would never have known the package was in there!


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Indeed Lottie,
We are in a very rural area too.
You would think we would get a worse service wouldn't you,but we seem to get a better service than big towns/cities.
Usually 10am - 10.30am. But today it arrived at 12 noon, a different postman, and then it was only junk mail. Grrrh.
Don't think I could cope with town living nowadays Mr V! I was born in bred and London, but it is a far different place now than the London I remember.
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I can't wait any longer. I'm gonna have to go and I'm so hopping mad I don't know how I'm gonna drive!!!

tigger takes deep breaths
Giving my age away a bit here, but....I remember in the late 60s when you could post a letter in the morning and it would be delivered the same day!!! I doubt if Royal Mail could ever match that now, standards everywhere in the UK seem to have slipped the more time goes by.
It used to arrive , via the whistling postman , at 7am , then by a tall willowy postman around 8.30am , now it arrives around 11.30-12 middayish and arrives by van on the street .
lofty.....where abouts in London?
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Hello and sorry about this everybody.

I'll catch you all later, bye for now xxx
Hi Lottie!
We live in a fairly rural area and know the posties that we have. They are really good despite being unpredictable as the are moved from one round to another. They will sign recorded deliveries for you if you are out (probably against all rules!!) and it doesn't matter if wrong house number is put on address you'll always get the letter on time as they know everyone. Hope you get your package Tigger! x
Hi Yoga! Nice to see you.

Yes, all that is needed on our post is a name and approximate location and the post goes to the correct house!! Half the houses around here, don't have numbers (ours included) and most of the nameplates have gone too.

It's not the best area for poor delivery drivers!!
Aww tigger hun , I do hope you manage to track down your package , waiting for the postman's a bit like waiting for a kettle to boil xxx
For one-off packages, why not have them delivered to your place of work?

I buy loads of stuff from Amazon which won't go through a conventional letterbox, so I have them delivered to work. The postroom know me well by now.
I do the same as gormless quite often, the only thing to be aware of is that any mail delivered to your work they are entitled to open, so don't order anything to be sent to your work address you wouldn't want everyone knowing about.
my post arrives from 12.30 to 3pm, at one time it arrived at 4.30pm in the dark
mine arrives from 12.30 to 3pm one time in the dark it arrived at 4.30pm
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Just in case you're interested in this saga :-

Got home today and found the package. It had been placed in my recycling bin!!!
What a sensible place to leave a package!!! (not!!!)
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My thoughts exactly Lofty. I don't understand why they couldn't leave it with a neighbour or take it back to the Post Office Depot and leave a collection card. Its lucky that the reclycling trucks came on Thursday instead of yesterday otherwise I would never have seen it!!!

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What time does your post arrive?

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