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which AB catergories do you NEVER visit?

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crisgal | 19:33 Sun 01st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
personally, I don't think I've ever been to Sport, Law or Business.


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legends and myths!!!
I did once read one letter from all the catergories
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sorry tigger, that eh was for knobby of course!
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One or two.

Animals & Nature
Arts & Literature
Body & Soul
Business & Finance
Food & Drink
Mome & Garden
How It Works
Jobs & Education
Society & Culture
AB Suggestions
AB Editor's Blog
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yeah but if there are any large chips around - I want one!
Jobs & Education - I've retired from one and it's too late for the other...
Never too late for education craft. Can I interest you in some adult learning classes, specifically for "older" people (sorry - never off duty!)
thanks for the offer bensmum but I now do all my learning on this site - I now definitely understand the phrase 'from the sublime to the ridiculous'
Us Middlesbrough fans have been used to that phrase for years, craft ;-)
AB is full of great thinkers Craft! Lol
History and Music---don't seem to appeal.
yes judge but weren't they sublime yesterday..
I've tried to post in every category, but don't think I've done "play" or "weather". I even strayed into "sport" once.. that was weird!

anything goes :o)
Business & Finance (don't understand either)
Insurance (just too dull)
Play (used to, but quickly got bored of same games)
Science (I'm scared of the boffins)
Sport ( I hate exercise of anykind, im also allergic to it)
Technology (see insurance)

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which AB catergories do you NEVER visit?

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