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wobbly washer

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oops!!! | 13:55 Sat 30th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

The big nut that keeps the pully wheel and the washer drum secure has started coming loose now and again and we are fed up with pulling out the washer and tightening it up.If we fit a spring washer before putting the nut back on when we tighten it up again  will it stay tight for ever and ever amen? If not HELP please.



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If by spring washer you mean what we would call a lock washer, (one that is split) then it would probably do the job.  To assure the security of the nut, you could use a star washer... it's one that has several projections all around its outer edge, shaped like a star, or use a product like our Lock-tite, which is a brush on semi-liquid material fror holding nuts and bolts... Good luck!
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Thanks clanad .you are a star
Personally, if you have room on the thread, I'd put another nut on to act as a lock nut. Screw the original nut down as usual, then put on the lock nut and do it up as tight as possible.
Question Author
Thank you too Sddsddean I will try that too if I have enough room on there.

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