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stokemaveric | 02:18 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
stoke won last night....2-0.....


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was that good for you?
Are they also scrapping in the stands????
Maybe... but Stoke is still a sh1t hole ;-))
And they talk funny....!!!
Hey ummmm... how's it going?
I've never been to Stoke - is it not nice..
Did dabees tell you to say that snagged??? :-)
Cheeky cow... see my post to you over in the ''Could someone clarify something for me please?'' thread...
I did....sorry :-(


lol :-)
I'm not chasing you round here anymore lol...
That use to be my job..!!!!
Question Author
ummmm we dont talk funny duck.....and snags how can you say my home town is a sh1thole?....yes it has its problems but doesnt everywhere?...and craft yes it was VERY good thank you for asking....

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