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legendis.god | 16:08 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Twix or kit kat ?

Redbull or lucozade?

ciao x


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Twix and lucozade.
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Twix and the Kit-kat.

Scrub both the drinks and get a large vodka instead.
same as Zacs - support the local ecocomy...
Sorry, to clarify..

Is that a two finger KK, a chunky KK or an orange KK?

By the by, while talking about KK's, I'm sure I remember when I was a kid they made a coffee one - anyone else remember that at all?
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Twix for me!!
And I hate both red bull and lucozade!!!
thanks for the invite Zacs but I don't think I am near you - never heard of the Angel
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I'm at the far end of Taddy Road
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you got it....
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