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Thanks stompe. Made me laugh.
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Torchy & Twizzle Yeah {:)
Wasn't in to Torchy but loved Twizzle. And Sarah and Hoppity.
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Yep liked Ollie Beak Steve. I have to confess though my favourite was The Woodentops.
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I liked Muffin the Mule...
I think all that waching today has given you a one track mind craft!
oops sorry (hangs head in shame)
How about Wally Whyton and pussy cat willum?
now you're talking christine - who the f**k are they?
Sorry craft I did mean wacking, but you knew that didn't you?
craft.........he used to present Tuesday Rendezvous band Small Time on itv
oh right thanks - I liked....

Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Cuthbert Dibble and Grubb

don't you just love a man in uniform...
Jan - yes I may have had men 'whacking' in my drive today..

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