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legendis.god | 01:28 Sat 07th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
knobbbs and pasty n lippy on their way


no mercy im still w8n

nite xxxxxxx



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Legs, I mailed you.

I think I will head off too.
Getting a bit tired now....
so I will say night,night as well.
Night everyone!
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Catch you on AB again soon...
Just popped on for a minute, and want to say I hope you all enjoy yourselves. Night!
nite CH packed up so its off to my leccy blanket. Hope ur well soon ice.
oh deepjoy. I ope knubby has packd his lappy his backup lappy his p.c. His xbox his blakberry his iphone his dongle so he can get online as soon as he lands or bfore even. Lol lol lol wot a saddo.

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