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BobbyBobBob | 22:36 Sun 17th Jun 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
I'm looking to set up my own myspace page, but unfortunately dont have the foggiest on how to do it properly. I typed in 'how to setup myspace' in google and a site came up called SETUP MYSPACE,custom layouts for myspace, xanga, piczo. etc..(says u can download backgrounds and pictures) Basically i'm not very clued up on this sort of stuff so if anybody knows whether this sounds legitimate, or if theres a better way of going about setting up a page.THANX!!


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Practically everyone uses one of these sites to get their backgrounds etc

I used and havent had any problems. Its very easy to set up and all free
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Thanks alot, i'll check this out!!
I think it's easier to get a layout from another site than to code your own so I think it's fine to find a good layout site.

The problem is that their are so many layout sites and most of them have tons of pop-ups and bad designs. I have no tolerance for those anymore and won't even go to one if my computer is going to be taken over by ads.

Anyway, my favorite layout site is They are the only one I could find with no pop-ups and they have really unique designs for myspace.

I hope that helps!

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