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a loan for an ex-fiance

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sandra321 | 14:40 Sat 30th Apr 2005 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
i took out a loan for my ex-fiance. we have since sepatated. he wont pay. i cant afford to pay. what can i do? (the loan is more than �5000)


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If the loan is in your name, you owe the money. Simple as that. The arrangement between you and your ex is a separate one, and it will be up to you to get the money from him. If you genuinely can't make the payments, contact the loan company and come to an arrangement. Don't just ignore the problem. If they can't or won't help, start with the Citizens' Advice Bureau.
If your ex threatened or pressurised you to take out the loan you should mention this to the CAB as it may make a difference.
Was the loan for a car, which would be repossessed if you default on payments?!!!

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a loan for an ex-fiance

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