sandymack to try to calm troubled waters here are a few tips:
when posting put as many of the clues you need in a list, give the name as you did of the puzzle etc and the clues, number of letters and any you have and if you have feedback on the answers given answer within that thread as if you were answering your own question if you see what i mean.
O f course we are all human and get it wromg , boy i know i did at the start and sometimes still do.
As has been pointed out to you by others, reading the posts that you have made before reposting is a courtesy. It is also a "mistake" that the vast majority on this site never make.
If you continue to alienate yourself in this way, then I will not be the only one to ignore your future posts. As I have said before, receiving a reply is a privilege, not a right.
just a thought but why are stars (albeit only one) being given to those who seem to be upsetting you and when someone tries to gently guide get no stars and no response??
Am truly puzzled and NO i am not after stars, nice as they are they should be given freely.
Aye fine well ye know how we did - and as for being awarded stars, when I first started using answerbank, Lie-In-King answered a difficult question but at that time I didn't know how to respond with stars or thanks but later saw his name in another thread. I responded through this thread with belated thanks to him and got ticked off by the original poster for using their site - so I wouldn't worry about being awarded stars!
I certainly was not after any just curious, many months ago someone wound me up by saying there was a prize draw each month, I was soon put right on that one LOL