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Mini shower

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tiggerblue10 | 16:01 Sun 08th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Just had a mini shower of I don't know what! Couldn't figure out whether it was rain, snow, sleet or hailstones. Answers on a postcard to: Miss I. M. Confused, Bewildered Avenue, South Dazed, Stumped, RU2 KO1


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im hungover


� did i lol ?
I've been out a few times today and had to get changed 3 times because I ended up soaked and cold! Its raining (again) here in Northern Ireland but we've had gales, snow, sleet, hail, sunshine and all sorts in the last 24hrs!

Legend - I reckon if you flew over and stood in the cold for 5 minutes it would sort your hangover out!

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Mini shower

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