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stompe | 15:43 Sun 08th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
Lady Willpower, it's now or never.


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♪ ♪ smoke gets in your eyes....♫
sorry stompe - didn't get your last post...
Sorry stompe - it's something I feel strongly about, didn't mean to upset you.
Craft - please tell me how to get those symbols
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No prob Craft please tell bensmum otherwise we wont hear the end of it! {:D
it is really boring and anoraky. Just open word - insert symbol - choose which symbols you want to keep - save the document with them in then when you come onto AB keep the document open and copy and paste whichever symbols you want into the message...........said it was boring.

Go have a go.....
Fess up dear bensmum, is that because you dont want him smelling like an old ash tray on your first date ?
You still havent told me if I have to buy a hat.
I think Ill go for a little understated number, you know peacock feathers that sort of thing. LOL>
don't know which way to go now

← ↑ → ↓
Red hat and no knickers cab :)
I will have a go craft but in which font did the music symbol appear - I've looked but couldn't see it
I'm going to wear the same hat as I've got for Steve and Becky's wedding on Friday - my daughter said 'Mother won't you feel a to$$pot sat in front of the tele wearing a big hat' I said 'It's the thought that counts'....
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CAB your incorrigible LOL

Got to go see you soon! x
Private Use Area symbols
I dont know any big words stompe. LOL
I have a very nice hat
But do you have the outfit to match for your big day ?
Ill make your wedding cake.
Tried that once - not keen to repeat the experience :)
will you take his name or stay as bensmum?
Hey cab, how are you? Are you a good baker then? You can make me a birthday cake!

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