oven temperature??!! in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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oven temperature??!!

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MissChatty | 19:24 Sat 07th Mar 2009 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
If my recipe says 180C for my pavlova recipe.. what temperature would i need to put my fan oven on please???
I warm overn up to 180 , and then it says reduce the temperature to 120 & cook for an hour...
What temperatures do I need....?? TIA xxx
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I used to teach Home Economics, and I always thought that with a fan oven you would reduce the temperature by 10'C, (ie 170') as a fan oven distributes the heat more evenly. (I cook with gas at home.) My son-in-law, who cooks with a fan oven, disagrees with this and leaves it the same, but I would always err on the cautious side to dry a pavlova out without browning.

All a pavlova needs is to be dried out slowly. My Good Housekeeping cookery book, published 30 years ago (!!) says - bake in the oven at 150'C for about 1 hour, till firm. This is for a 3 egg white quantity. I'll leave you to judge!!
I made a pavlova this evening and cooked it at 150C in a fan oven for 1hr and it is perfect!

Good luck! xx

I did a pavlova yesterday and it was in a fan oven - 150 and then put it in and immediately reduce to 140. Cook for an hour, turn oven off and leave it to cool naturally in the oven. Best results are when u leave it in the oven overnight and put the cream, etc on the following morning.

Also, for a 3 large egg white pavlova, add 1.5 tsp of vanilla essence at the end of whisking and it makes the pavlova crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle. It's gorgeous trust me!!!

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