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Wheres knobby?

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legendis.god | 22:36 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Im in dreamers got a nice table view of the stage and a jug of lager

lappys on the wifi

and the ape aint here yet !!!!

and pasty n lippy tooo

maybe theyve lost their way ???


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ha ha....dumped ;)
hi leg, I didnt know they let you bring a laptop into a bar, I would do that a lot if it were me

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shurruuuuppp tambo

hes english

probably got lost

and pastys a yank

theyre always late

bleeedin yanks



�?�?�?� did i lol ?�?�?
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cafes and bars here free wifi

mind you my batterys only half charged ffs

he best hurry up

bleeeeding corckakneeee ape

So you are on your lonesome? How interesting LOL!!!!!!
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i can seee him

lmao hes over other side of bar



tell the barmaid with the big jugs .

her names leeanne btw

say i said helllooooooooooooo

Why did you take a laptop with you? Was it so you could give the ladies a LAPtop DANCE?
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chimpy theres free wifi

and knobbys brought his lappy

iforgot to charge my nbattery

but ive still got a good half hour maybe more left

ooooh la la allaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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lol he cant get connected
It gets worse.

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Wheres knobby?

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