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stompe | 20:11 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Hold a Grudge? or do you let Bygones be Bygones?


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Nomercy i hope the people who have posted on here has felt better for telling us! getting it of your chest so to speak!
No I don't which is my problem. I'm off - see you
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Its hard for me to Comprehend! is it an Illness or What?
No, its hard to get on with your life and move on from the past if you dn't forgive someone. You can forgive someone in your heart for your own health and benefit but you don't have to tell them that you have done so.
I hope so too, Stompey!

What has upset me most, is that now my mother wants to resume her friendship with this nutter and tells me that I'm overreacting!

My father says she is dangerous and will drag my mother down with her.

It has taken me years to build my relationship with him which has, at times, been tempestuous to say the least. We have now built a lot of bridges and that vicious specimen nearly destroyed all our hard work with her malicious lies.
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I wish i could type Quicker, my threads seem to get Tangled up with,answers to wrong questions!

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And people fall out with me! do you wish sometime you hadn't started something, you ment with the best intention!
Generally I don't. I just let it pass believing in "natural justice". However, on two occasions in the past, I have felt it necessary to wreak my revenge (and it was indeed revenge) on two people who did their best to wreck my life. I was young and hot headed then, I wouldn't do it now. I wouldn't say I got any particular pleasure from it, nor that I am proud of it.
hey stompe - not your fault - very emotive thread...


♫ say 99 and kiss me ♫
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Hi barmaid, yes i believe what goes around comes around!
I have been talking to my partners sister who is an outrageous liar, at first I was agog at some of the things she came out with, now I feel she is very much in denial about a lot of things and prefers to believe her version of events. when she does not like the truth she makes up lies.

I dont hold any malice towards her though I should considering some of the things she has said, life is too short and I would prefer to keep my distance from her and hope that at some point in the future she will recognise what she is doing. Life is too short for grudges
yes i friggen do so you had better watch out .
Hi stompe, I must admit that I am a forgiving person. I am a great believer in "what goes around comes around" and karma. And I like to think that the "wrongdoer" has to live with their own conscience and so I rarely hold a grudge. I don't suffer fools gladly either btw....
oooops no.k - you and who's army? I dont know Queensbury rules!
bensmum - I know where you're coming from.
I have forgiven mine (V.A.B.), & don't hold a grudge - however I will never ever forget.

generally I try to forgive, but sometimes it's hard to forget.. and it depends on the offence. some offenders don't deserve forgiveness, in my opinion.

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