I can't fathom this programme out - basically they get the skinny girl/fella to eat the diet of the fat girl/fella and vis versa - surely if the skinny one eats hugh amounts of food when they are used to eating practically nothing - does this not pose danger to their health ?
It seems bloody ridiculous - but hey ho anything to make a TV programme I guess !!
i completely agrre, and depite being overweight myself, i always feel sorrist for the skinny one, it must be horrible to have to shove loads of food down when you are full
Glad you agree with me bednobs - I bet off camera they don't really make them eat all that crap. What is even more strange - 9 times out of 10 the skinny person, clears the plate - weird !!
I disagree. I think this show is fantastic!
They have health checks before, to make sure that they are not in any danger during the test.
It's to show people how bad/bizarre their eating habits are, and make them realise that if they don't change, they will suffer dangerous consquences in the future.
And Den, I think you've been watching the programme, I have watched both series, and never seen a skinny person finish a plate.
Especially last nights, a whole curry and rice, buger and chips and half a chocolate gateau in one meal!
How can someone finish that?
Last night though I couldn't see how being faced with a plate stacked high of horrid little sausage rolls would teach the anorexic anything other than to put her off .
Not all skinny people are anorexic, however, she did have obsessive compulsive disorder tendancies, I believe.
She wouldn't go on the programme like this if she was anorexic, and I think the programme would check that she wasn't before they started.
I don't think we have all been watching the wrong programme Chocolatchip - when that skinny girl last night was in a cafe - she was eating a full english breakfast and she did finish it !
Perhaps it is how they edit the programme - I know sometimes the meals are not finished.
Mind you last night was gross - 30 sausage rolls and half a gateau - even a chocoholic like me, found that hard !!!!!!!!
I wonder too. I would have thought the skinny person could gain weight by just increasing their calorific intake.
Surely taking on the usually very unhealthy diet of the fat person, would have health implications. The skinny person's diet for the fat person, just seems like starvation.
I suppose it's done purely for the entertainment factor and they would't advise this in real life.
They only eat each others to give each other an idea of what it's like. They don't carry on doing this. They each have their own separate diet plans to follow once the programme has finished.
As Jan1957 says they only swap diets during the first week when they are living together. This is to show each other the poor relationship they have with food.
In many ways it's about a mirror effect, the important part is to see the other person dealing with their diet, i.e. watching somebody else struggle to finish a meal you don't have a problem with will reinforce how poor a choice it is and vica versa.