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milliepops | 10:40 Thu 12th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
Does anyones username instantly make you think of something / body ? Waterboatman puts me in mind of a track off the Butterfly Ball album with Roger Glover and friends. A pleasant thought, any others ?


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whats a mingger?
that's not nice is it,? calling someone a mingger.............
im a flower

i am
i only asked

you said you was nothing like lexxy


you can sit in the minnngers corner with me


theres a lot from cb there but wont say who they are

someone said they thought of lexie of emmerdale when they saw my name.

I'm cute and cuddly and like a little koala

I'll sit in the minggers corner with leg then.
who else is in the minggers corner?
I'll sit with you lexie - not that I consider myself that much of a minger - but I will keep you company (feel a bit guilty about mixing lexie up with lezzie...) ;-)

Anyway - sitting in the minger corner makes a change from sitting in the naughty corner.
sitting in the minggers corner we can also watch all the ones walking past and giving us the evil eye, but at the same time thinking they are better than us............


I Have my own seat

but the fact i can look at the folk who mistakenly think theyre better
makes me giggly

what is lool?
laughing out obnoxiously loud?
Whenever I see NoMercy post, I think of this ...

I love my music, I do!
When I see mrs chappie I think of dog food!
So, I must be a bit of a dog
What does chappie taste like max;-)
max tastes lovely

with a wedge of lemon and plenty ice

i canrt get enough of it

lexie - what is lool?

It's dribbling while you laugh (drool - geddit?)
When I see mrs_overall I think of Julie Walters.

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