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Helloooo Tiger

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joggerjayne | 22:37 Thu 12th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers


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You have not JJ, have you?
Question Author
No, Stompe, but ...

... I'm tempted.

It is gorgeous.
Don't do it,
Jayne NO
wellll hello

ding dong!
Question Author
mccfluff ...

Are we on the same wavelength ?

Loud, and sexy !!

And ... the raw, free, power ...

Oh boy x x x
oh yes!!!!! what is it about bikes......
Question Author

Wind in your face.

And the NOISE ... grrrr, I love it.

I am so, so, so tempted.
Have you done your homework JJ, like the Toyota Landcruiser?
ooh takes me back to my yoof - my first bike a Triumph Tiger Cub - not quite the same......
Question Author
Ooh, fab, craft. Don't you miss it?

Stompe ... I've had lots of test rides. I fancied a Honda Varadero, but ...

... I'm falling for the Tiger.

Ideal world ... a Harley, obviously. Coolest chick on the seafront. But ... they're no good for luggage, they're hard to maintain, etc etc.

The KTM sounds lovely, but they are so UGLY !!

now normally abloke in leathers i'd think hmmmm but a biker with a nice fit bod in clinging leathers, woo hoo think i might be having a moment!
Stompe shakes his head,once JJs mind is made up!
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Go for it, mccfluff.

Waits for mccfluff to finish


... ...

... ... ...

... ... ... ... !!!

Personally, I don't wear leathers. I have some kevlar lined jeans, from a company called Draggin' Jeans ... I love them.

right i'm off to the OH's see ya tom :-)
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Aww, look, Stompey ... not long ago, a friend's other half let me go out on his Ducati. It was nice, but not my style. I like something more upright (so to speak). Like a Transalp / Varadero / Tiger(!)

The obvious one is the BMW GS, but I don't fancy a BMW ... nice cars, but not sexy bikes.
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Night, mccfluff ...

Night guys ... I'm going to bed, too x x x

(bike dreams, here I c u m)
Your the sexy bit JJ,If you want something Throbbing between your legs just ask! lol night night x

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Helloooo Tiger

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