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My 6 year old son is not so dumb!!

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lindylou16 | 14:58 Fri 13th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
When he came home yesterday he asked to go to McDonalds, I thought here is a chance. I said "We will if you can spell it" He thought for a minute then said "

"OK lets go to KFC instead"


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lucky it wasnt tfi fridays

at 6 they usually say thank f+ + k its fridays

oh oh - did you say kfc - finger-lickin' chicken - the home of the zinger tower meal etc etc ( yum yum!! - my favourite!!
- think i'll pop back in to brighton to have some late lunch thanks lindylou xxx
Good job it wasn't a restaurant I once went to....

"The Fisherman's Wharf and Lighthouse at San Francisco"

The strange thing was, it wasn't it San Francisco - it was in Toronto!!!
I having a bad day - but that has really made me smile !

Thanks lindylou16
thats so cute

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My 6 year old son is not so dumb!!

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