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Council Tax

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tiggerblue10 | 15:35 Sat 14th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Just got my Council Tax bill. I'll be paying �1 less than before for the first month then �4 per month more for the 9 months after that.

How much more will you be paying per month?


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I'm paying �3.30 more the first month then �2.00 more after that..
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I've always found it weird that single persons discount is only 25% less than couples/family households. Shouldn't it be more than that?
tigger as a single person this has always p!ssed me off. Another annoyance is paying single room supplements at hotels....
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Yeah I know. Whats that all about? Single people seem to be penalised a lot.
You could say why do pensioners pay the same as a working family.
Got ours yesterday but I'm trying to put off looking at it for as long as possible !

Not that that'll make it better, it just gives me a chance to practice my "outraged and appalled scream" when I do eventually find the b*lls to have a peek inside the envelope !!!!!
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That too AOG.
�30 a month extra but Ive moved :(

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Council Tax

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