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'Race for life'

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hippyhoppy | 18:10 Tue 15th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
just enrolled with my workmates for this! I get puffed out loking at a set of stairs!! this will be fun (substitute ''hell') energy vibes needed....


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be like a stack of pregnant hippos trying to cross the zambezi river i would imagine
Hi hippyhoppy, and good luck with the Race for Life! You will have a ball, you don't need to run it! A group of us did it last year and its really good fun for an incredibly worthwhile cause. It is also a very emotional day.

A larger group of us are running (or sauntering as the case may be) in Glasgow in June.

Hi hippyhoppy, good for you hun! I did the walk of life a few years back in aid of Rainbows childrens hospice here in Leicester. It was a 15 mile walk and ya know, it was an amazing day, one i will never forget!

I am considering doing the race for life this year, not quite decided whether to do that or do the walk of life again.

Good luck with it!!!
my missus do it with daughter just for doing something possitive and worthwhile.... good luck to everyone for doing it....
Hippy hoppy, I did Relay for Life last year. It was loads of fun. I am president of the couch potatos and did fine. We walked a track and as long as someone from the team was always walking it was fine. Plus it was sort of on an honor system.

Great cause.
I am doing this with my next door neighboor, on the 10th may . When is yours.

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