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Wee Stinker

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millder | 15:33 Tue 17th Mar 2009 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Struggling with 24 ac and 18 d.

24ac Koine s.v. mycetes. e???i Is it Ensti, a Ural language?

18d. Ornament, I believe? de??? Is it deity?



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enoki (anag koine) is a fungus (mycetes)
18d could be DECOR - which has a meaning of ORNAMENT, but I cannot see the wordplay.
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Thanks very much! That means 18d is decor, an anagram of credo.

Much appreciated.
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Thanks too to Rollo!
If it is an anagram of CREDO, where is the anagram indicator?
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Sorry, but I don't recognise the term "anagram indicator". I doubt if you will find these in cryptic crosswords.
If the solution is an anagram of something then the clue should contain something to indicate that there is an anagram involved.

Onlooking at the clue again, I think the "ornament" plays a dual role - definition, and "anagram indicator" - because there is a "?" at the end.

But I don't like it very much.
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Thanks for your explanation. All I can say is that The Wee Stinker is different!

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Wee Stinker

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