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stompe | 20:26 Tue 17th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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evening stompey,
Probably watching eastenders/holby city/mistresses...............good nite for tv!

left u a message

we're hiding - Sshhhhh
... ligging about Stompo ........ Hi Christine and Little Al :o)
hi....the builder x
Mmmm hi handsome how are you?
.. pretty good Al ....... sunny Devon today ........ :o)
It was very spring-like up here too, a lovely day and I got a call from my new boss this afternoon, starting mid April
yippeee ...... Stompers ....... we need a tune to celebrate Al's new job.......... :o)))
Question Author
Hello Chrissy Wissey xxx

Weeal get out of the Editors office. lol

Ligging where does that come from? builder
Stomp ....... ligging ........ they use it in the music biz - you know, the sort of people who hang around backstage trying to look like they're with the band .......... I bet we've all done it LOL
Question Author
Oh with the Groupies,Nudge,nudge, wink,wink,Builder(no what you mean) lol
Question Author
haha, thanks Stompe

Hey Builder, who were you 'ligging' around then ? want my address? lol

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