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Loose Women

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stompe | 13:48 Wed 18th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Who do you think should be on the Panel of Loose Women?

From Chatterbank, And why?

Wont be no replies,as have to go out,Have fun!


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WD40 ???????????????????????

Chimp ... that link was a picture of some office furniture.
WD40 does it for me salla - and it stops the old joints creaking......
Wd40 is only good if your going to have sex with metal mickey,robocop or one of the daleks

Sorry jj The link was deleted because of a banned word in the title,check this out,just be sure to have a big mouthfull and dont let it dribble down your chin

Chimp ...

It looks a lot tastier than the chicken poop water I had today.

I'd take the taste away with some wine if I wasn't going for a run later.

Plus, I don't drink before 6pm.

Well, not usually, anyway.
jj maybe you need to make your own big batch of soup at the beginning of the week and then freeze it and dethaw it as you need it. This way you can make yours taste exactly how you want!
Chimp ...

As I'm at home all day, I suppose I should make the effort.

Maybe I could get someone in ... a catering student, or something.
jogger jayne, danielle31 ethel, ummmmmmmmmm and i can make the tea
and mrs overall of course
As I'm at home all day, I suppose I should make the effort.

jj,you'll thank yourself for it during the week!

zaxxee,tea? sorry but this is an non alcoholic beverage free zone!
alcaholic tea then
Wed 18/03/09
16:53 alcaholic tea then

That works for me!

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