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stompe | 20:56 Wed 18th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Want a Rabbit?

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Wed 18/03/09
21:14 Question Author

Shows what you know Monkey! JJ has no bush lol

LOL! Any woman who's worth her weight in gold usuall adopts the "brazillian" otherwise known as the "sausage airstrip" besides,im a chimp,i spend all days searching through mounds of fur keeping then clean,bug and tick free,so the less the "fur" the more time i can spend "oogah boogying" around! LOL!
As Stompe says (!), I go for the "get rid of it" approach. Can't stand fluff.

And Stompe ... okay ... 3
Question Author
jj why is every thread I go on talking about your 'bush'....
Stompe started it, craft.
I obviously believe you jj...
Question Author
monkey started it i finished it Craft.

By the Way Craft_____________LOL
que?.................there is a post in Quizzes and Puzzles called 'Chocolate Items' - do you think it may be worth joining in?

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