I cannot see that our troops are having any success, not as long as we continue to operate as we do at the moment.
It would seem that all we do is go out on patrol into the desert, where there is little or no cover whatsoever. In the process our troops are at risk of being blown up by road side bombs.
Where we make for a village or compound, if it is occupied by the Taliban, we exchange fire with them until they move out. We then move into the area shake a few hands with the so called civilians and try to explain to them why we are in their country, if there is anything we can do for them, and what cash hand outs they are entitled to.
After bidding them a fond farewell we then return to base, ready to start all over again another day.
What is the whole point, why can't we advance, occupy, hold, advance again and so on till we have either destroyed the Taliban or pushed them back over the border into Pakistan?