oh whitebear, sorry to hear about the job, I know how u feel, three people from my department have to go by the end of July, and no one knows who, it makes u feel very insecure.
on the other hand I very nearly lost my son last year in a motor bike accident and thank god he is still here, unlike a lot of young men.
Sorry jan but I dont think this is going to happen while there are people like this on here
Fri 13/03/09
00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your fat ugly desperate chavvy wife with the bleached straw hair that needs a good cut and style to cover her bald patch, or did you leave her shagging the barman in the hotelbar people like this on here.
i personally dont see how people can be bothered to do it, takes alot of energy to be that hostile and its all for nothing, for random little pixel people that they will never come face to face with so why bother.
actually he doesnt like football, he likes the bikes and fast stuff like that but my other son is an Arsenal fanatic...nice to hear from u again knobb, did u enjoy yr holiday. where is the reef exactly?