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abbie1977 | 12:05 Thu 19th Mar 2009 | Celebrity Gossip
8 Answers
Am I the only one who thinks that OK magazine was slightly innappropriate this week? They have basically made out she is already dead. A tad insensitive I think. I know she has approved it but I find it a bit weird.


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Haven't seen it but did read that there was a bit of an uproar. Something to do with R.I.P on it. Was that OK magazine?
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Yeah it was. A girl had it in work and showed it to me. They had tributes from "celebrities" in it and they were quoted as sayiong " Jade WAS a wonderful person", "I WAS lucky to have known Jade" I just thought it was a bit odd.
Nope jades mum is peed off too. Its quite weird having tributes from other celebs already. I think OK has been innapropriate for weeks having most of the pages filled with Jade though.
ok? or nbg?
it's media hype and insanity at it's most tackiest - there are those who say that jade is undignified in what she's doing which is media saturation, which is said to be "for her children" - i have my own opinion of this but won't bore you with it! never been a great lover of jade - so never will - nuff said - hope to speak to you again, abbie
on chatterbank a bit - come on there, if poss x

Mmm, same thing happened with the queen mother, they wrote as if she were dead over a week before she died, bloody british press!!!
I am starting to lose sympathy with Jade now after reading she wants television screens at the funeral for people who can't get in to watch outside!! She is starting to think she is another Diana - but she will never be - not in a million years..And we are constantly told she is slipping in and out of conciousness so how is she compliling a diary? and arranging a funeral..It's turning into overkill now..
Well, I saw the OK mags on newstands and was going to post a question here: Is Jade dead yet - or not? Mainly I think the whole thing is rather sad. Actually, sadder than the Diana thing because D. was born and bred to her situation and was always very knowing but can't help thinking Jade strangely ingenuous about herself - whilst at the same time showing cynicism with regard to milking her own demise for all it is worth. I suppose I'd do the same for my children. It is them that I feel sorry for and they won't get the same protection, in broadest sense, that the royal boys did.

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