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oooh!look at me name.............

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christine847 | 01:18 Sun 22nd Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
has been zapped ..........why?


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must have been a bit cheeky christine lol
I judged it to be not in the best of taste and deleted it.
-- answer removed --
There's a tragedy, let's hope you are very soon reinstated.
hi chrissy

tis i


they wanna play

ill play

knobby, I gave you enough warnings.

Now, are you going to be a big grown up boy and play nice? Or will I have to smack your wrists again and put you in thbe corner with the D cap?

People who play nice get to stay and play.
How do you zap someone's name then?

I guess you have to click on the 'Report this question' within the thread.
I have never done that to anyone since I joined AB.

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oooh!look at me name.............

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