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tiggerblue10 | 00:19 Tue 24th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Is it just me or does anyone else find the advert about the SAW Ride Theme Park rather disturbing? Tickets are 25% off btw.


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Isn't it supposed to be?
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Would you like to go?
Haven't got that one Tigger. Got an ad for computer training at the top though. A few minutes ago, there was one for glasses. Is there a connection somewhere?
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Are you using Firefox Icey? Don't think the adds are visible if you are.

Its sitting under the adds that are under the Recent Posts box. And above the Have Your Say bit.
The one at the top What noise does a piglet make when its teetch are cut off with pliers disturbs me more!!!!
teeth that should be
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Ah yes Jan, that one is pretty gruesome. Shame it actually happens :o(
hi jan how is the leg my top add is off citreon car
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Oh well, looks like not many of you can see it. I'm off to bed as I've got to get up at 6.30.

Laters peeps xxxxx :0)
night tigger sleep well
It keeps changing pink. You have to wait for it to come round again.

Leg is ok, plaster coming off in two weeks time. I can't wait. Hope you're ok.
It is 9.30...and yes-the ad is still there. And a bit creepy it is too.

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