Whats yours? ive just knocked over the windolene.... all over the ****** place , took me ages to clean it up , then went into the kitchen to get some more cleaning cloths , left the s0ddin top drawer open then bent down to go in the bottom drawer and wallop ! , got an egg lump on my head now
I had a bit of a trauma the other day. I bought a box of wine with one of these screw taps on. I must have caught the tap as I shut the fridge door. About ten minutes later I wondered why the fridge was leaking......oh dear........I'm still not over it.
Hope your head feels better soon - mind you haven't got concussion =-)
Hi Patricia , ouch hun !
I've got the tomato ketchup out of the fridge and given it a good shake .....but forgot I had already flipped it's lid ....
Yesterday I managed to drop the dogs food dish and it smashed into so many pieces , also a full new carton of orange juice slipped out of my hand and hit the deck , split up the side and splattered everywhere , and managed to break a glass too .
Hi all, I've done that too bigmamma - with HP sauce - shook the life out of it and then realised I'd took the top off, lol! Also, the cat always waits for me to just start pouring his milk and then knocks my arm - aargh! I know cats shouldn't have milk but he loves it and has had it for years with no harm to him.
Made some soup the other day and put it in the blender (with a glass jug). Switched on. Crash, bang, whallop. The whole thing smashed, hurtling glass and my veggie soup all over everything (including me) in the kitchen. Luckily I had trousers and thick top on so I was not hurt. But the mess that had to be cleared up was not nice. Gunge and glass everywhere - including up the walls. I had the thing for years with no trouble at all. Went out and bought one with a plastic jug - �9.97 in Tesco.
Oh yea....I forgot about that. I was more p!ssed off about the wine though.
No, didn't manage to save it. I told the teacher I spilt coffee on it so she gave him extra time. He was ok about it as he'd apparently rushed the first copy. God works in mysterious ways....!!!!
minor accident a work,after showering one of our guys,put all the towels night clothes, and incontinence pad wipes gloves and disposal bag in also,when the stuff came out a mountain of gel oozed out on to the floor and stuck to all the towels and clothes what a mess!!!
I consistently spill red wine on my bed while reading because I'm trying to balance it and turn the pages. I have a constant supply of Vanish Spray and powder at the ready.
After the third time you'd think I'd stop reading and drinking in bed really wouldn't you?!