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Has anyone

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MWB | 21:07 Tue 24th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
been kicked out of a pub? I never have been, although once, in my extreme youth, tried to be. Me & a friend danced on the tables to a jukebox, acted much more drunk than we were & shouted & knocked stuff over, etc. All to no avail.


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Course I've never been kicked out of a pub - I was their best customer!!!! Lol.

Seriously - once, when I was about 13. I'd beenm drinking in this place for about 4 months before they cottoned on.
(I'm sorry for not responding sooner, Knobby. I thought this thread had dried up).

Perhaps you did meet the other couple but you never realised it. Just because other people think that you look alike, you might disagree.

Alternatively, if you'd have met them, perhaps two alternative realities might have come together and resulted in the end of the universe! (I really must stop watching so much sci-fi on the telly!).
Chris, Ipswich can be an unpleasant place!

I have never been thrown out, although the local pub in the village where I grew up caused a problem. Drank there most nights, did my courting there and worked there. Got on famously with the landlord, but the landlady hated me with a passion. Had a bit of a spat with her one Sunday lunchtime when she was appallingly rude so I told her to stick her pub up her fat ar$e and never went back.
Has a ex manager of a pub i am the master of banning numpties!!
Good grief! Was there room for the whole pub up there????
Thats the joy of being a landlady can ban anyone, for whatever reason agree that some take it a bit to far!!
Oh yes Icy, there most definitely was. fat ignorant cow. She only hated me because I could run the food side better than she could. Her husband used to send her home on a Saturday night and let me run things. She was rude as hell to me this one lunch time, I retorted, she thought she could slap me down (as the landlady) so I gave her a piece of my mind (it did get back to me that the landlord would have give a fortune to have seen her slapped into place). I never set foot in there again though.
yes similarily MWB for dancing on tables after been told 20 times to get down. Was in my student days god bless, but hey got back in half hour later and yes got back on table lol
Sounds like you were taking the credit for things that the woman wished she was able to do herself hun. You did the right thing.
I was thrown out of a pub once for getting drunk and stupid...

By my sister and her husband... the Landlord and Landlady
Shucks - they must've thought you'd bring shame on the family!! : (

What did you do that was so "wrong"???

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