Keep being you Evedawn- keep up the quest + will join you with it for sure! Call myself a swan as have a long neck + when anyone throws negativity my way just shake it off like water off my back + can fly above all negativity as have much love in my life- blessed with a loving husband, fantastic friends, a most adorable pet dog,angels by my side, a very loving Christian God, live in a very caring town + have a wonderful family so there is no reason to fret about anything anyone ever says to me here or otherwise.
" He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger."- Chines proverb". Sometimes best to ignore fools/muppets- drives them the craziest too + that also is funny ;-)( Bea is no saint)! Ummm- Those who criticise others( different to being assertive or putting bullies in their place) are those with the most fragile of egos + like you ,also pity them! Yet, find it tough when anyone criticises someone else unfairly- the need to be an advocate for others being picked on is quite strong within me. Lil 123 am rooting for you big time, too! Beatrice :-), challenged with a mysterious neurological condition yet a happy bee