I attended a Management Course yesterday (groan..moan..boring.. but the lunch was good; roast pork dinner, but no stuffing or apple sauce so only 7/10).
Anyway - one of the questions I was asked after lunch was "Do you always follow through..?" I could hardly contain myself. Luckily there were some likeminded people there who caught on & joined me, but I got some very dirty looks also. Some people have no sense of humour whatsoever ;-)
Honesty bigmamma - the things Lil comes out with have me laughing that much it hurts.
One thing she does very very frequently is to be sat in, say a pub, get her little tin of vaseline out, stick her finger in it and say "Ooooh, my lips are dry..." in a very loud voice. Every man in the room always looks round, and by that time I am in absolute stitches.