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Den53 - Man goes into a German Restaurant. In the corner of the Restaurant, there is a huge fish tank. He goes up to the fish tank and chooses a squid, which the head waiter promptly removes and takes to the kitchen. Gervase the chef gets his giant cleaver and raises it high above his head. Just then he catches sight of the vile green squid with the quivering hairy lip, and decides he hasn't got the heart to do the dastardly deed. So he asks Hans, the washer-upper to do it for him. Hans raises the cleaver high above his head, and just as he is about to bring it down, he catches sight of the pathetic, vile green squid with the quivering hairy lip, and decides he can't do it either. Which just goes to show............
Hans that do dishes can be soft as Gervase, with vile green hairy lipped squid ! :-)