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stokemaveric | 00:18 Sat 28th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
i have given all the winning horses for tomorrow...we have a syndicate going for the lottery [but me and bigmamma have 1 of our own] so what are we going to spend our winnings on?????.................


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Erm........................................counselling for your delusion?

Sorry, mate, don't want to dampen your enthusiasm but have you ever met a poor bookie ?

Still, all the best anyway.

P.S. I was only kidding about the counselling. I'd spend it on tissues instead. Well, you'll need something to dry your eyes with !!
Sorry stoke, have looked at your tips for tomorrow but not doing any.

Mine are:

Doncaster 2.45 The Osteopath
Kempton 3.00 Baylini
Doncaster 3.20 Tamagin
Doncaster 3.55 Titan Triumph

Good luck with yours.

If I win I will be spending it on a bloody good night out!!

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