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Mornin' !!

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DebsyDoo | 12:12 Sat 28th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
How's everyone this fine (?) morning ?

Heard a Godawful noise last night, just after 1.30am - down the road a bit from here, sounded like someone rolled a car or something, (that's the only thing I could think it sounded like) then about 5-10 mins later 3 Police cars, 2 Ambulances & 2 Fire Engines went whizzing down the road !
S'pose I'll have to wait til the "freebie" paper next Thurs to find out what it was !


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r u sure the aliens havent landed.

how awful let us know if u find out what it was.
isn't your local paper online Debs - mine is..............
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Hi AJ !
NO, I doubt it's aliens somehow !
Prob jes some little d*ckhead boy racer, trying to impress his girlfriend (or mates) just hope he didn't kill anyone !
Will let you know as & when . . . .
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Ooh yeah, that's a good idea Craft - hang on . . . .
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Nah, nothin' on there !
(what a surprise !)
Morning not been up long stayed up watching the fun and games on here. Stopped watching television it is more fun watching whiffy and facebook john making fools of themselves on here.
there has been a fatal car crash just down the road from me last night........some people never learn......
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Mornin' KD (just !!)

Where you at Stoke ?
Morning again DebsyDoo , nice to meet you x
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Hello again BM - you got a twin ? Lol

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Mornin' !!

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