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yahoo answers

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noway | 16:42 Sun 29th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
has anyone been on yahoo answers,its very simler to this site,its ment to be for uk and ireland only,but there seems to be more americans than us irish and brits,thats why im on this site now.only discovered it yesterday.


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I have used it but I prefer the layout on here to yahoo answers when it comes to chatting
"has anyone been on yahoo answers,its very simler to this site,its ment to be for uk and ireland only,but there seems to be more americans than us irish and brits,thats why im on this site now.only discovered it yesterday."

Such an ignorant statement to make. What's wrong with Americans? There are many Americans on here who interact and post very helpful answers. Would you shoo them away from here because they are Americans?

You sound like a rude snotty nose kid/young teen, full of yourself, and one who need to stay in school.
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nyc,love americans,but nothing in commen with them when it comes to y/a,all they seem to chat about is jones bros,american soaps and things that are going on in their country.

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