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angel21 | 14:33 Tue 31st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
to touch type all the letter keys last night in about an hr and a half


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try at 60wpm
i still use just one finger when typing
Question Author
Can't do that yet but slowly and surely I will get there. I take it you have mastered this skill to then teram?
Angel. Have you tried to type - 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', with your eyes shut!!! Followed by 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party'.
It's very good practice. You'll be a whizz in no time.
Question Author
Let me just try that, here goes

the quick brown fox jumps over tje lazy dog

now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party

there only one mistake.

I have been using Kaz and it tells you to learn 5 phrases

if mike jived

rude dunce

slap now

baggy hat

extra quiz

and thats all your letters of the alphabet. It is very good actually I am amazed that I can remember all the letter positions. Just as I get faster I think I might forget which finger for which key
oh schutz u have taken me back to my school days when we all had to sit behind typewriters looking at a chart on the wall. we had to do those two exercises constantly.

the teacher always used to start with "fingers on the home keys girls" .... memories ahhhhh
oh sorry angel, but well done girl.....thats great
Question Author
Thanks afcjan.

Shame they don't teach it in schools anymore I think. Mind you if you can learn it via learn direct or by buying the cd rom like I did then I don't suppose it matters.
That's great Angel. You've done really well in a short time. Keep practising, and it will soon become as natural as breathing. The system you are using seems a very good one. Stick at it, it's a skill worth having. Regards. Schutz.
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Thanks shutzengel. Going to practice every night. :-)
I would also recommend learning shorthand if you cant already do it. I know it seems a bit outdated but
lots of high powered execs still like their secretaries or personal assistants to be able to do it. and its great for taking phone messages, minutes of meetings etc.

it can only be to yr advantage.

nice to see you a bit happier again too x
You're showing your age jan and schutz. I learnt to type while at school in Australia to music on the old manual. It was ok till we got fast enough to type to the William Tell Overture then I couldn't type for laughing!
I learned to touch type Morse code while in the Forces.

Can't remember what I learned first - the touch typing or the Morse code ? Oh, well, it was a long time ago.
hi jan, oh I know....age catches up with you are you, I dont get on here much as in the evening have a lot to do and sometimes too tired to get near the computer.

enjoy rest of yr day, r u on Facebook by any chance?

Jan. I'm still laughing now, about the William Tell music, I can just imagine how you couldn't type for laughing. Yes age creeps up on us all, but glad to still be here and still working, although not solely in a typing capacity. Cheers. Schutz.
here we go ....speed lessons
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Thanks afcjan, I'm not really any happier but I thought you lot were probs sick of me moaning so I put this post up instead of a moaning one hehe. At least this touch typing gives me something to focus on. I really want to learn shorthand too but I thought it might be a bit confusing learning touch typing and shorthand alongside eachother so my plan is to learn touch typing, get my speed up, then I'll be fast enough to do an audio typing course and also fit in shorthand too.

Is it just funny symbols used in shorthand that make up words?
Question Author
Yes I've tried those before teram. Very good too.
Sorry jan, nipped off to get some cheese and biscuits. No breakfast so a bit peckish.

I'm not on here as much any more. Gets a bit repetitive, but do keep and eye on any new topics and quizzes and puzzles. I did try facebook but couldn't get on with it so don't bother any more.

Hope your ok.

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