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friends 40th

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afcjan | 17:55 Tue 31st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
hi all, need some help please. a friend of mine is going to be 40 in May, and I want to buy her something different for her birthday.

any ideas please, and oh yes I only have a limited budget.


Jan xx


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A pack of Tena Ladies and a Stana Stair Lift brochure
And a muzzle for Stevetheperv! ^^^^^
Hi Jan

Hope your well - it would really help if you can tell us how much your budget is, as prezzies differ in price!?

Pamper day at a Spa - nice
Driving a super car around a circuit extremely fast - very nice
Vouchers for a good slap up/drinkys at say Brewers Fayre, Harveater, or Beefeater etc - Ok
etc etc - so how much is your budget, sweetheart? Go on - tell us?

lol x

Can someone tell me what has happened to CrazyCathys innocent "what can i knit for school" thread gone - it's not there!!!

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oh Ianfran, thanks for yr answer....I can ignore the numpties that want to answer.

hi Tigger u ok........if I see a muzzle I will get it but he sounds a bit of a big mouth so that may be difficult.

right budget. dont think Im mean but I meant about 10 - 20 quid. having to watch the pennies abit right now, same as lots of people..

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