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what crazy april fools have people done today?

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middkazsam | 13:46 Wed 01st Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
what crazy april fools have people done today?


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I trashed my mate's car, set fire to it, smashed the windows then told him some kids had done it.

Imagine the suprised look on his face when I told him it was me really.

Oh how we laughed.
well one on here :-) and My local pub shut down weeks ago and its opening this weekend and turned into a karaoke bar. I have at least 6 mates meeting me for drinks at mine first to then go up for opening with half price drinks and one is even dressing up as Abba :-) lol
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i told my mum that my fella was on tv at 10 o clock she didnt belive me i also told my freind that will and the people (a band) were playing in our home town and he belived asking me to get tickets and replying wowow wow omg cant belive it haha got him a gud un
My daughter TEXTED me on her mobile and asked me to ring her mobile as she had mislaid it..Just realised in time when I went to look her number. But I caught my friend out with it and she is usually very sharp but not this time.
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thast a gud un lol
Haven't done anything but love the BMW ad in the Daily Mail.
Anyone seen the pinanas ad by Waitrose??

Bananas crossed with pineapples!!!
I liked the picture in the DM of Jackie Smith coming out of the Ann Summer's shop (or maybe that wasn't a joke).....
none here

they dont do april foools day here

they have a similar day in decmber i think the 28th , just 9days before xmas and the 3 kings.

d t h ?�'

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what crazy april fools have people done today?

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