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hawkie | 13:53 Sat 21st Mar 2009 | Gardening
5 Answers
What are the laws regading lighting a bonfire in your own garden?


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To be honest hawkie, there are no laws for bonfires in gardens - I took this issue up with our local councillor recently over bonfires in allotments that back onto my garden. The allotment owners seem to think it is their right to have a bonfire in the middle of the day - bearing in mind there is a junior school backing onto them aswell.

As a rule, my husband normally waits until after 6. p.m and makes sure nobody still has washing out and then he lights one then.

I hope this helps.
I was going to say what DEN has already posted - no laws, it's about common sense & courtesy.

BUT, heaven help anyone having a bonfire within half a mile radius of me, one of my pet hates :o)
I believe there are restrictions on what may be burnt in garden fires in the UK, but forget the details. Where I live there are comprehensive laws governing when one can have a fire - which varies according to the time of the year- what type of fire-and what you may burn.
I love the smell of an autumn bonfire of leaves and branches.
i been a firefighter in the usa for over 15 years - here some communitties have laws some don't. you could just call up your local fire dept. and ask. but i'd say if there ars no buildings close by and you stay out to watch over it with a waterhose and it's not a windy day - burn it ! i'd do it durning the daylight too. need a light ! ;-)

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