Well this is the difficulty gravity leaking into other dimensions is speculative so leaking out again more so.
You can simply make the theory fit any observations because it's not contrained bby any facts.
Simply put there's no way of proving it wrong.
Generally speaking Dark matter theories fall into WIMPS and MACHOs
Wimps are Weakly interacting Massive particles, sub atomic particles like neutrinos that only interact with the weak force so are hard to observe but have a small mass.
MACHOs are MAssive Compact Halo Objects. Things like dead and dying neutron stars and brown dwarfs, things made of normal matter that we just can't see
Most of the smart money seems to be heading towards WIMPs right now.
Fermi is a Gamma ray telescope stuff on it here:
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/at-l ast-light-is-shed-on-secrets-of-dark-matter-99 8210.html