HatetheApe - yet another stupid name to support a deficient mind. No doubt you will be littering as many threads as possible with your inane rantings and abuse punctuated ramblings. Yes I am green also, but I will still be here tomorrow. Will you? Very doubtful, as you continually talk out of your red-ar$e; as do all chimps.
Charisse,legend cant move unless they bring a monstertruck attached to a forklift truck,kinda like moving a beached whale....
Knowno,maybe next time im having a barney with fatman and midget,you'll keep well out of my threadfs instead of trying to be a hero you little bisnitch! As you've found out i can make your life/threads pretty lonely and uncomfortable........lesson learnt
if sh1t dont concern you,then muvvaflucking keep the hell out! CAPEESH????????