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North Korea

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slimjim | 12:20 Wed 11th May 2005 | News
8 Answers
Why are we able to preach to the likes of North Korea and Iran about their nuclear ambitions when right here at Aldermaston there is a massive building programme being undertaken and our own Government won't tell us what it is for? And don't claim that it is all to do with rogue states. Which country recently invaded another one without justification?


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It's because we are the good guys and they are the bad guys!
and we will square it up with our makers when we meet him. That would make for a great defence in a court of law!

Because North Korea signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty and then broke it in 1994, and Iran is suspected of doing so.

UK, France, China, Russia and the US agree in the treaty to provide assistance in development of Nuclear Power and Nuclear technology based medecine in return for the non nuclear states agreeing not to develop nuclear weapons.

That gives us the right to preach to them. We have no right to preach to non-signatories such as Israel, India and Pakistan 

"Which country recently invaded another one without justification?"

slimjim, obviously not something that perturbs the great British public if the recent election is anything to go by.

Have a look at their web site.

also have a look at the politics page they like the yanks!!!

We have an ongoing building programme of Nuclear weapons. As it happens the Trident deterrent is becoming obselete and we (govt) have to decide now what we are going to have in the next 30 years.

A tricky question with the end of the cold war and no obvious strategic enemies. An increase in tactical nuclear weaponry is the obvious answer. But having Subs out on the high seas with strategic nuclear weapons is a major deterent to the likes of China etc. We can't rely on the Yanks for everything.

Sorry what exact threat does "China etc." pose to us?

Are you seriously syuggesting that hordes of the yellow peril are massing on the borders ready to invade Englands' green and pleasant land?

I think there is only one serious reason for renewing Trident which is that without it the UK might be at risk of loosing it's seat as a permanent mamber of the UN security council! 

And after recent events that demonstrate how the UK and USA treat international law and conventions it is more the reason that other countries should seriously think of having a nuclear deterrent to prevent rogue states from stealing their oil. even democracies can pillage others as recent events have shown and at the end they still get reelected.

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