l have so man y clues to yet find do not think l will be able to finish before the deadline this weekend,so l would appreciate a bit of help, number 56 across is -shim-which does not fit into clue down -sock tips,which is obviously toes,so then the answser l need for 57d Palaeozonic marine creature is (HR>L>B>>>) 37d Monument Valley landmark (ME>A), 171a Medieval Clan Chief (>>>>I)263a Water Wheel with buckets (>>>>A)many thanks in advance
0nce again l agree,must look deeper into meanings, still trying to find answers to other clues, oh well will plod on anyway,e ven if l do miss the deadline, l really do enjoy tackling these kind of puzzles,keeps the old grey cells working.
You have just panic-ed me!! Isn't it April 9th closing. I haven't even started it yet.
A water wheel with buckets is NORIA. I wrote it in my Colossus word book!
l see that you seem to be doing what l have done,any unusal words or a lot of latin/greek/french words l put in a book that l have compiled,recently l redid it by putting words in alphabetical order, wish you luck with the stinker,need any help, l might be able to help you in return for your help,all the best
Well done doing that.
My book is in alhabetical order too BUT of the clues asked as they tend to word them the same.
I had to transfer the lot into a fatter book which was a pain as I can get careless.
Good Luck. The new Puzzle Collection arrived yesterday and BIG the day before.
Tallulah,good luck, l am still battling on.Unfortunately l have to wait until the end of this week for big to be in my newsagents,l cannot afford to buy the works much as l would like, last month l could not get hold of value puzzles,which annoyed me intensely,no shop in my area had a copy, we have a lot of problems with our suppliers,it seems that sometimes only the big superstores get the mags and the little ones lose out, never mind, onward and upward.
They are so helpful in the Lovatt's office, I'm sure they'd send you one by post if you phone. I did read that the smaller newsagents are more likely to have copies. I think WHSmith might have them though.
I'm lucky that my daughter treats me to The Works for my birthday.
I've nowhere near finished the Stinker, not started the Monster BUT solved the StarHunt by just filling in the top left hand corner before the crease!! You are allowed to do that AND I'd actually heard of the Celebrity for a change.
Good Luck
Gday tallulah, you have a very thoughtful daughter, mine is that way most of the time but she lives the other side of the world and when l visited her a couple of years ago for two months we raided all her local shops for lovatts mags,and they are somewhat different to ours, wedid not win anything though, but its not the winning its the taking part thats important. With regard to WHSmith, they are our local suppliers and even their little shop in our little country town does not always have copiesI have about 15/16 questions to still find, its a race against time. Four ?s are being a particular pain, 171a Medievial ClAN cHIEF (>>>>I)235a Citizen of Dubrovnik (>>>>T)136a Loss od resources (DE>LH>>>O>) -some letters may well be wrong there,and 135a Clairvoyant (PRE>A>>N>) have you any idea of the answer would be extremely grateful. many thanks in advance.
Rollo,sorry for the delay in replying,l have been trying to find out using your spelling for clairvoyant, no luck, no doubt someone who checks this site might have the answer, my clue letters are (PRE>A>ENT),also l am trying to find a plausible word that will fit the clue to 129d Stubborn (I>>R>S>A>>E),the answer l come up with does not fit the clue at all, in fact the opposite.Ah well onward,many thanks.
Thank you Rollo, changing the s to a c changes my word of stash to cache,so that will automatically change my word that l am looking for ,for clairvoyant, once again thank you
Hi Kellee,
We had NO internet connection for 3 days!
This was the hardest Stinker ever and I spent about an hour finding Timeworn. That's how I feel!!
Just posted the lot.
My daughter lives in Toronto and the youngest is working there for 5 months and boarding with Anna.
I'm getting on well with the next Colossus. I only do them in bed when I wake up.
Before I got the Works my little village newsagents got all the books I wanted and shop saved them for me.
Good Luck.
T. x
Hi Tallullah,Yes it was a real STINKER, my newsagent does save them for me when they come in, its the suppliers that we havethe problem with, we only have the one as we live in the valleys so the supplier has amonopoly,l am still waiting for the big, l am going to give it another day and then if no luck l wil phone the office and hope to get it, l have other magsn to do but like the ones that do not have the answers at the back. l am going to sign off now as it is 5pm and time to get tea ready, maybe speak to you another day, ttfn,x