Yeah, weeal - rememember first seeing him playing a barman on a holiday beach bar chatting with Dudley Moore's character in the movie "10" , when he completely went crazzzzzzzzzzzyyyy for Bo Derek!! ( well who would'nt be?), and followed her, to her honeymoon.
Well i don't fancy him, or think he's sexy, weeal ( you all know i love the laaadddiiiiieesssssssss xxxx ),
BUT if i see him in a film cast, i would normally watch it as he's class!!!
First Blood was his best role as the mean and nasty sadistic sheriff that was just pushing Rambo a bit too far!!!
You must give it a go, weeal - First Blood is one of the best action films of the 80's and don't worry Stallone does'nt do much talking - his action scenes though are brilliant! give it a try! ( sequels are rubbish though)
must go now - on hols/ work break - missus has just finished her metamorphosis into Michelle Pfeiffer ( took long enough!!),so out for dinner. ( yeaaahhhh, kids happy too!)