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do you regret

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SLINKYKATE | 13:57 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
getting married


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Im "married" to the no.
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Regrets, I've had a few
no but I think he did.....
not yet
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No, not at all. We are coming up for twenty-three years in August, and I am happy every day that I am married.
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Not for 1 minute!

...but then again, too few to mention.

The first one yes (but then I wouldn't have had my kids, so....). The second one no, I just regret the way it ended up.
I was once asked in a team exercise what were the three best decisions I had made. Everybody else listed three commercial/ work-related things. First item on my list was "marrying my wife". Every woman in the team went "aaaaah, isn't that nice". All the blokes looked daggers at me! For me it was a no-brainer. She's the best thing in my life. 38 years, 5 days ago.
no not at all, i wouldnt have my kids and my nice home.

anyway dont think my mum and dad would have kept me home much longer......
Funnygirl,not for 1 minute,but a lifetime maybe?lol!
Not at all - two lovely children, a great husband etc.
never....wish the OH was here as we would be celebrating 41y! 3 kids 3 - all good ;)

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