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Two facedness?

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angel21 | 16:07 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I don't normally say it behind their back. But sometimes I really get the urge to. Like my colleague is getting really annoyed dealing with someone on the phone, my bossess husband in fact and I really want to show my colleague that I totally sympathise with him about how its difficult dealing with bosses husband but I can't cus I couldn't say this to bosses husband. What do you do in these circumstances


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Should start with something like 'I try to live by the rule of if I can't say something to someones face then I won't say it behind their back'
Facial expressions? Roll the eyes, grimace, mime a knoose, mime a cut throat?

Maybe you are thiinking about this too much....?
I'd just stay out of it. You say work is stressful for you and you dont like it. keep yourself to yourself. xx
Question Author
Ok will ignore. xx
Get a new job....I'm sick of reading about it. same same same and you've done sweet FA.

Put up and shut up. People are losing their houses. People are struggling to feed their kids. People are losing their jobs. People are having their homes repossessed.....but you? Poor poor you.

Buy some new hair straighteners and make an effort and be bloody grateful......

And shut the fcuk up. I'm watching peoples lives fall apart and you just moan moan moan about having a job....!!!!!

Sorry people but she's making me sick now....
pmsl... here ummmm... have a bucket...
Calm down ummmmm!

I know it is tiresome when folks go over and over the same thing.
Thank you snagged.... :-)

I'm sorry.....but on and on and on and on fcuking benefits if it's that bad.
Question Author
When people moan there are always worse off people.

Do you tell people who have lost their jobs and are on the dole to stop moaning because at least there is a benefit system and that they should think of the people dying in Africa?

I know I get a bit repetitive but you don't have to reply to me you know.
Try writing a thread which isn't pure drivel next time.
Question Author
Ummm I do think that was harsh. Theres no need to be quite so nasty.

Having too much time on my hands has given me too much time to dwell on things and too much time to post my negative thoughts on here.

I do need to be more positive and also take more action.

angel sorrynbut your posts get more random and nizarre .
a suspicious person might think youre either seeking attention or merely postig buls�t to start a convo.

in my opinion reading youre immature , unhappy , have no friends , hate your job , your flatmates , youre shy and self concious.

you wanna take a long hard look at your questions in your profile.

either youre making this up like a sock puppet.

or you really are a dull boring person.

�?�? did that help ?�?�
ummm youerre right

i think its faker than katonas left t�t

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Two facedness?

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