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stevetheperv | 00:09 Sun 12th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
...wanna see a photo of legend or nobs //???

send me ur email


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don't take my word for it, but i think as a chat up line that's a bit of a failure
But we all know what they look like....!!!!

Send it to me...

Mine [email protected]

Question Author
if you think thats a chat up line then youve been frequenting the wrong working mens clubs luvvy
Send our emails to where exactly?
steve the fat wasters posted their queer lame holiday snaps here,dressed as zorro and a gay cowboy,they're here somewhere,ill try and rustle them up tomorrow if the divs have'nt pulled them off in fear that is!
see L&P, you can compose a really coherent and well spelt body of text when you put your mind to it
Question Author
oh do sendme the link

cowboy and gay is that
ill try!
I heard it was zorro and cowboy, there is a hierachy to be observed here you know
Question Author
sure it was a cowboy and not one of the gays from Brokeback mountain.

And are you sure it was zorro and not tonto??

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